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Tally HO HO HO

  • Saturday, December 12, 2020
  • 812 Shirley Plantation Rd, Charles City, VA 23030


Registration is closed

The  Tradition Continues!

Join Princess Anne Hunt for the


Our famous Christmas Caroling Trail Ride and Holiday Drink Competition!

at River Ridge

812 Shirley Plantation Rd. Charles City, VA 23030

Saturday, Dec 12th, 10am

We will meet at River Ridge, home of Debbie and Doug Hackman, then serenade neighboring farms and plantations. Please arrive no later than 9:30 and be ready to start singing at 10 am sharp!  Attire is Christmas Festive for you and your mount.

After caroling, please bring a dish to share, which will be safely and professionally served. Please bring food & Eggnog to the patio behind the main house after the riding event.  Holiday drinks will be judged at this time as well.

*Singers are asked to maintain 10-foot distancing from anyone not in their family group. Riders will need hard hats, waivers, coggins, etcAlso, please be considerate of noisy attachments on your horse.

We hope you can join us for this festive Princess Anne Hunt holiday celebration!

Any Questions or Concerns,

Please Contact Jim Daniels at

No FaceBook postings advertising the event; and all participants will be asked to NOT post any pictures on social media. 

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